Thursday, November 8, 2007

Final pitch

In a world consumed by war and hatred, a troop of companions go off on a journey to save the world they inhabit. The prejudices of those oblivious to the reality of the threat they face act as great obstacles in the quest. Dragon orbs, magical forgeries with the ability to control dragons are the key to solving the essential puzzle. An army of evil, the dragon army, is ever expanding its grip on the world and the companions must do everything in their power to stop it. Hope is bleak but real and only this will push the companions forward. As the world around them closes in, and those they trust begin to turn on them, the companions know what they must do. As the days grow short and the final battles ensue, will these adventurers be victorious or will the dragonarmies take hold of what was never intended to be theirs to control. With the greatness of this foe, it is hard to say if the companions even stand a chance.

pitch #1

The cheering of dwarves and humans alike fill the assembly hall as the hammer of kharas is presented to the dwarven Lord. Paladine Elistan, leader of 800 lost human refugees seeks lodging in a dwarven stronghold. Hundreds of years of war, battles of good against evil, show on the earth these people inhabit. Tanis, torn internally by his emotions, questions his half-elf existance. A complicated love circle and life cloud his otherwise bright mind. A troop of adventurers cross the icy plains to the "beautiful city of Tarsis". Once a paradise and hub for the scholarly now but a skeleton of its former glory. They hope that Tarsis may answer some of the pressing questions they need answered that will decide the future of the homeless humans. In the city of Tarsis, our adventurers search for lodging at the red dragon inn. But the prejudice of a once tolerant and accepting city, begins to have its effect.

pitch #2

The companions are thrust into further peril when the Solamnic crests on Sturm's armor end waves of anger and fear through the people of Tarsis. During a trial for a crime that they hadn't committed (a crime the result of a kender) they meet and elven noble, Alhana Starbreeze, with unrivaled beauty and grace. Travelling to their prison cells, the companions are saved by solamnic knights fulfilling an important task in Tarsis. In the quiet of an abondoned library, the horns of a draconian army engulf the sky. Day turns to night as ash fills the air and the wingbeats of dragons cast shadows upon the ground.

pitch #4

The nightmare of the companions ends, but the remains of Silvanesti still hold some of the horrors of a twisted reality.
Alhana's father, awoken from perpetual anguish, is frail and weak; sapped of all energy by the dragon orb that tormented his mind. His body gives out. With a sorrowful goodbye the companions and Alhana part; the companions to push forward in their quest for the world and Alhana to fulfill her fathers dying wish. Luarana wakes from a Horrible nightmare, as do her companions. They have been seperated from the other group for a long while now in search of the dragon orb hidden in Ice Wall. The nightmare they had all experienced is best forgotten. They now travel to the lands of Solamnia, with the posession of a dragon orb among other things; pursued by a white dragon and more evil sure to follow.

pitch #5

The Silvanesti, Qualinesti and Kaganesti, 3 elven races, are seperated by ancient prejudice and simple hatred. Luarana and Gilthanas, while now reunited with their people, face the same arrogance that is known of the elven race. A pretentious, self absorbed people. The arrogance of this people has caused many a problem in the workings of their world, and now it threatens the safety of all existant life. The Qualinesti will not allow Luarana to leave with the dragon orb and move on to Sancrist, so she decides to escape. With her own skill and the help of a new companion, the companions now agree to escape and begin their ascent through southern Ergoth on the " River of the Dead". Gilthanas has a fascination with their new companions Silvara that then develops into love. Will this conflict with his duties for his people?

pitch #6

The escape continues. The companions trudge deeper into kaganesti territory. After they had slept a night in a cave covered by a boulder, they realize from footprints in the snow, elven guards had recently passed their resting place. After being detected and shot at, they realize they must split into two groups to slow the pursuit and safely transport the dragon orb to Sancrist. All this with the knowledge that Silvara may not be who they thought she was. Even with doubts they must press on. Silvara takes them to a fantastic and sacred place, the tomb of Huma. A massive sculpted dragon looms overhead striking awe and terror into the hearts of the companions. But not all is lost, an old friend is found, one they all though was dead.

pitch #8

A great battle is brewing, a battle to finally end the horrible wars that have been waged by the dragonarmies. The races of Ansalon have now, in the darkest days, agreed to fight for the health of all peoples. The elves have set aside prejudice in favor of the greater good; all pride and arrogance ridden for the understanding that this may be their last stand. Theros, the one with the silver arm, has been blessed with the ability to forge dragonlances and after a marvelous display of power and the displays of wisdom and courage by a kender and mage that acted in the desperate council before him, their is hope for the future at last. Preparations begin of the final battles.

pitch #9

In the port city of flotsam the companions quickly dicover that getting a ship to take them to Sancist will not be quite as easy as expected. Flotsam is packed with members of the dragonarmies. In a dark alley, outside an Inn, Caramon and Tanis wait until two drunken dragonarmy soldiers stumble towards them. They kill them and strip them of their clothing to wear in the city as to not be questioned. Whilst plodding through the streets of Flotsam. Tamis's life is saved by an unlikely dragon highlord, one he unexpectedly discovers to be very familiar. Meanwhile, the knights of Solamnia wait for the right moment to attack the dragonarmies encompasing the tower they have been defending. It is only so loong before the tension breaks the teathers that hold ones mind and all hell breaks loose.

pitch #10

The knights of solamnia make a final stand. The dragon armies are gearing up into full force for the final, fatal blow. Sturm gazes at three dragons and their riders, his death is inevitable, but he needs to buy Laurana time. Perhaps his life will now mean something. The cold glass of the dragon orb is freezing to the touch but Laurana grasps it and spends all of her energy attempeting to control it. There is nothing more to do. The armies scatter as the orbs power is unleashed. There is still hope to save this dieing world. A procession is held for the fallen, their faces and hearts, solemn, unyielding. At least they now know peace. In the midst of great evil, good will always be there to put up a fight, clash blades and stare into the eyes of the enemy.